HX-UMI handheld multifunctional oscilloscope is designed to be a low-cost instrument platform, providing high-performance, multi-functional, highly-flexible, and light-weight solutions for measurement and automation systems.
Its portability and compact size facilitate numerous small businesses, makers, schools, repair shops, production lines, and so on.
We have integrated the oscilloscope, logic analyzer, signal generator, programmable power supply together (four in one) into the compact device.
  • Signal generator part
DDS precise signal source, 300Msps sampling rate, 0-80MHz frequency span, 0.1Hz resolution , 14bits, user-defined arbitrary waveform, built-in sine/cosine wave, square wave, ramp wave, triangle wave, pulse, noise, DC, supports SWEEP mode.
  • Logic analyzer part
16 channels @100MHz, serial protocol analysis such as USART, SPI, USB, etc.
  • Programmable power supply part
3 terminals, +/-0-30V [0-3A] output.
  • Oscilloscope part
2 channels @100MHz, 500Msps.
  • Project Type: Design
  • Fields: Education, Laboratory, DIY
  • Introduction: Versatile Handheld Oscilloscope
  • Project Year: 2019