There are seven buttons installed in the front of the thermostat. The button in the upper left corner is “Restart“, and the bottom six buttons are “Trigger Temperature“, “Action Settings“, “Increase“, “Decrease“, “Save Settings“, and “Undefined” from left to right. After power-on, the LCD displays the four temperature values, corresponding to CN1, CN2, CN3, and CN4 temperature sensors (NTC-5K). Displaying “NC” indicates that the temperature sensor is not installed. The value displayed behind the triangle in each row is the trigger temperature corresponding to the sensor, and the last value represents the controlled relay. When the temperature of the sensor reaches the trigger temperature set by the user, the corresponding relay will act. “Trigger Temperature” button is used to select which channel to set the trigger temperature; “Action Settings” is used to select which channel to control the relay; “Increase” and “Decrease” are used to change the value, and “Save Settings” is used to save the settings to ensure that data will not be lost during power failure.