The only right way to learn electronics is to practice: soldering, debugging, and summarizing.

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As engineers who have worked in the electronics industry for many years, here we share some tips for beginners to get started with electronic circuits:
1. The knowledge in the textbooks is never enough. It takes a quite long time for works to be compiled and sold, so relatively new technologies and solutions cannot be covered. Besides, some experiences are difficult to express clearly through words.
2. Do more hands-on exercises and experiments. Soldering, debugging, and summarizing are the most effective ways to learn circuit knowledge.
3. Understand the underlying physical principles of circuit knowledge. You can’t just memorize a theory, and you have to know at least one real-world instance of that theory.
4. You have to learn to buy some electronic components and tools. There are thousands of electronic components and tools that cannot be fully mentioned in a book, and they are also changing and updating. Only by being close to the market can you know what the world needs and what everyone else is doing.

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